DACL Fair Celebrating Older Americans Month

Vida Senior Centers in collaboration with the DC Department of Aging and Community Living hosted a health fair to celebrate Older Americans Month: Age My Way!

Many partners joined the Health Fair which took place at Vida Calvert. Vida’s seniors learned about multiple available resources in the DC area, received health and education printed materials, got their connector cards activated, scheduled appointments for available services, and much more.


Thank you to the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking, Health Care Finance & the Bill of Rights, Homeland Security & Emergency Management, Howard University College of Dentistry, Legal Counsel for the Elderly & AARP Staff Attorney, Metro Access, Office of the Peoples Counsel, Pepco, Prevention of Blindness Glaucoma Screening, and Transport DC and others.


Special thanks to DACL for the constant support and care for Vida’s seniors!

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.