Vida’s Vaccination Success

To combat vaccine hesitancy among Hispanic and other populations, Vida has launched a second vaccination campaign named #VacunasMásVida in collaboration with the National Alliance of Hispanic Health’s “Vacunas Para Todos” campaign, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to promote and distribute Covid-19 and flu vaccinations. We have reached more than 91,000 individuals with the vaccination initiative, in addition to those who have received their Covid-19 first and second vaccination and the booster dose.

Vida’s main goal is to protect the community and raise awareness of the importance of vaccinations in the Hispanic community, and especially among seniors, to stop the spread of Covid-19 and flu virus. Health is our priority. We continue to be vigilant because the pandemic is not over yet. 93% of Vida Senior Centers’ seniors are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. The majority of the seniors we serve also have got their first flu shot this year.

Currently, 64% of the Washington DC population has been fully vaccinated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends booster shots for those who received the Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine.


Hosting vaccination events is one out of Vida’s many Covid-19-related initiatives. Vida and its health promoters continue outreach and campaigning among those who have been hesitant to get the Covid-19 shot; they focused on introducing the facts and benefits of receiving the vaccine as well as information on distribution points.

Vida’s 2021 fall/winter vaccination events included:

  1. Flu Vaccination Event – Brightwood site
    September 28, 2021
    In collaboration with Walgreens Pharmacy
  2. Booster Shot Event – Calvert site
    November 16, 2021
    In collaboration with Kalorama Pharmacy
  3. Booster Shot Event – Calvert site
    December 17, 2021
    In collaboration with Safeway Pharmacy
  4. Covid-19 Vaccination Event – Falls Church
    December 19, 2021
    In collaboration with Fairfax County Government Health Department
  5. Booster Shot Event – Brightwood site
    December 20, 2021
    In collaboration with Kalorama Pharmacy
  6. Covid-19 Vaccination Event – Calvert site
    January 22, 2022
    In collaboration with Kalorama Pharmacy


A special thank you to the Fairfax County Government Health Department Walmart, Kalorama Pharmacy, Safeway Pharmacy, Walgreens Pharmacy, Giant, Walmart and Chilcano’s Restobar Falls Church. Everyone has been an important part of the Covid-19 and flu vaccine outreach and distribution success.

None of this would have been possible without the National Alliance of Hispanic Health’s “Vacunas Para Todos” campaign in conjunction with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vida’s volunteers, and staff who always show up for the Latin community.

We are very pleased with the outcome and look forward to continuing our vaccination efforts in 2022!

Vida Senior Centers is working alongside public health entities to educate our community about the benefits of the vaccine and where they can access it. For more information please call 202-483-5800 or visit our website

We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.